BS1 Espresso Subscription

BS1 Espresso Subscription


Origin Info

Who: Jose Gomez 

Region: Narino

Country: Colombia

Variety: Caturra

Altitude: 2000m

Process: Fully Washed 


The Story

BS1 Espresso | Colombia | Whole Bean

Our BS1 Espresso was designed to be an easy drinking and sweet coffee. The BS1 is built for a flat white or cappuccino, but still enjoyed as an espresso. The flavour starts out with a strong milk chocolate body, followed by a sticky caramel sweetness. On the finish there is a juicy little red fruit kick. BS1 stands for the postcode our roastery is situated in, the very centre of Bristol. This coffee was formed right in the heart of our city, for Bristol and for everyone.

The goal of this coffee from Nariño, Colombia is to achieve stable and sustainable prices for community farms through improved quality control, shared knowledge, and a connection to the specialty coffee market. The co-operative’s goal is to represent the producers and work with us as roasters, together creating a sustainable value chain. They buy the coffee from the farmers wet and in parchment, meaning the quality of the drying is down to the cooperative and not the farmers. This ensures that there isn't room for the drying process to go wrong due to environmental factors and ensures the farmer gets paid well year round.

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