Brazil Classico Capsules Subscription

Brazil Classico Capsules Subscription



WHO: Ademir Donizete

REGION: Mogiana




PROCESS: Pulped Natural 

Our rich and sweet Brazil Classico, but in a tiny pod made from 100% compostable wood shavings.

Since we launched our Brazilian offering a few years ago, it’s been an absolute favourite. So now we introduce our Brazil Clássico series, our seasonal Brazil. Perfect for those who like a reliable cup, a flavour that’s bold, smooth & sweet. These are characteristics we’ve endeavoured to honour when cupping for a fresh Brazilian coffee as we roll through the seasons. This lot has a big smooth chocolatey body, with notes of honey, sugarcane molasses & hazelnut. We’ve noticed, this coffee also pairs well with alternative milks for those who favour their brews that way.

Why capsules?

We’ve joined the pod gang. It’s been a long time coming and we didn’t want to do it half heartily. POD waste is a real issue, and we didn’t want to contribute to this. Even the compostable capsules on the market have an allowable amount of bio plastic and focus only on the output side of the chain. We wanted to take a look at the input side, and what was making up these capsules. It’s important to be compostable, but it’s even more important to use sustainable materials to create this compostability. That’s why we are launching our BS1 Espresso, Brazil Classico and Colombia El Carmen decaf in pods made 100% from wood shavings. They are held together in a matrix of starch and can literally be thrown into your garden to decompose and go back to nature where it all started. Coffee grounds are great for you garden anyway, so think of them as little nutrient bombs!

*We couldn’t be prouder to be the first in the UK to launch with wooden capsules. Good coffee, good for the planet*

*Nespresso compatible*

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